Monday, January 20, 2014

Kite Surfers could say they are part of the Salt Family

They are mostly shooting over the water rather than submerging themselves in the water , yes they leap into the sky but do they remember to ask the holy salt water beings and creatures to remove congestion in their bodies, probably not ! For my group Taking the Salt is a Sacred Ritual. We also swallow a few shots of the water for cleansing of the inside organs. More secret benefits ! Sshhh.... 

Ahh Home!!

There is a small secret Salt Lover Society on the East End of which I happen to be president! To join this club is easy for some but impossible for softies, or Woosies. 
No matter what conditions are - the water invites you to jump in and take it. It has a deep purification benefit, all misdeeds , negative thought forms and things you don't want disintegrate in the salt! Also it 's free once you buy your kit!
One has to stay amused in the winter somehow ! 

If you can't warm up get colder!

My swim buddy and I jumped into the same body of water a day later and the ice had all melted magically away.

I decided 2014 was to be my year of No More Knuckleheads and Love Myself More. On top of that I added Keep Swimming!!! Find new challenges and see what one body can handle. 

I hope to keep at least one of these resolutions. Our fingers and toes went quite blue but we certainly felt alive after! Water temp 36 degrees prompted my wee sis to beg me today,"Do not swim alone in the ocean we don't want a drowned sister". The Long Beach bay is about 3 feet by the edge and as Jim said "the great thing about the bay is if it ever gets too raw, you just stand up and walk out." 

What could be more dramatic than white on white on white

We borrowed Biscuit, Aileen's tea cup pooch for the photo shoot. Well according to Paris Hilton a mini pooch in the arms is a gal's best accessory. Worth a try and it meant I could finally show off my well known animal loving skills and charms. Biscuit has demanded a cut if the shoots get noticed, a business woman like her owner . She looks coyly off to the right leaving center screen to me. No doggie dungeon for her ( I did not say that).

The Scottish Princess and Beat the Polar Vortex

2014 marked the year the frost came after us with a vengeance , for many the so called Polar Vortex, meant an excuse to stay home and warm up with the latest Vudu or Netflix series but for me it was time to play !