Monday, August 09, 2010

Oh Emily forget the other three, Freddie Flintstone is on his way"

He was dancing with excitement , the joy in his face was unbearable.

She is over there, I pointed glumly as he danced off to try his hand against the gathering clan of eager suitors, not one who had even asked for my number.Rotters!

Location:E 22nd St,New York,United States

SP, I made a kinky furry Flintstone outfit for Emily

Do you think she will like it, I must get her attention somehow, said Matt, she is the one everyone at Pex years for.... Could you introduce me, please, oh please..

No one ever made a special outfit just for me, now I was really jealous, but of course to the outward world totally delighted to see Emily with all the best lads. Princesses always behave perfectly as we need to set an example to the LLS out there.

Emily's happiness was far more important than mine, I was thrilled all the hunks were so crazy for her, ( NOT. Shhhshhh ....)

Who is this Emily that everyone is going crazy for , I am a primal guy, will she go for me?

She will love your fiery body paint but hurry you are third in line now.

Gosh, Emily's fame and desirability was spreading, perhaps more than me, she is three to her and none to me right now. I may not be a dinosaur but I have a primal side too, if you take the time to explore it.
Yes, I was jealous of Emily although I could never tell her. This must be the sharing art piece message, I must share the men and not hog them all for myself. The SP never misses obvious signs.

Shaggy, you are on a roll with the shark taming thing, a piece of cake for a pirate for you, fancy an animal a tad bit wilder to control?

"Oh Ar, Matey,I can control any wild beast with one swipe, bring her to me and let her have a taste of the Shaggy medicine."

Over there under the tree is Emily, but hurry as the fire thrower may get there first.

Now Emily has a choice, maybe I will get lucky with one of HER rejects!!!

"Down Sharky, I can control you, don't bother struggling, I have your fin, game is a bogey."

The guys in Philly really make the New Yorkers look like mamma's boys. Look at the way Shaggy totally dominates the shark. Any girl will be putty after that.

Over in Cabin 11, sure enough Captain Pirate Shaggy was wrestling with a shark to build up his testosterone for the night.

The shark seemed to be enjoying it and was hardly struggling at all.

Now I had to find someone for Emily too, gosh what is her taste in guys?

A manly fire spinner in a kilt, almost a cave man. Perfect this has to be Emily's type.

"Young laddie, the lady of your dreams is fastened to the tree by Cabin 9, if I was you I would hasten over there and impress her with your fire eating/ throwing/ spinning skills. She is a dinosaur, part of the Dragon family so you guys will get on like a house on fire! She is hot,man, those leather paw bracelets give the game away. Tell her the SP sent you, go cat go!"

"If that is a royal command, I am on my way, thanks SP, you are next don't worry. Shaggy is warming up for some action in Cabin 11."

Emily was unable to sit and meditate due to the chain situation but immediately started chanting "Om,Om, send me a decent SP reject, make him funny and yummy!! Om
Nimah Shivah!"

Location:Emily, you can wear my cap and yoga shawl so you can keep the sun off your face, no wrinkles for you and meditate to pass the time on your Prince Charming and how to manifest him sooner rather than later

Normally people are discouraged from taking animals but Emily the Brontosaurus was there in full regalia. She had a sweet bow which she cleverly coordinated with some edgy,cool, sexy paw bracelets. Nice look. However her owners had chained her to a tree.

"Can you release me, SP I want to go man hunting with you see if there are any tasty morsels out there for me. It is very hot and boring being stuck to this tree, I want to party, dance and smooch like you. My owners didn't even leave me any water. They have been gone for hours."

Emily was a bit whiney. "Emily how did you know I had a smooch, who is your source?"

"We heard you were smooching like crazy and Big Ted is on the warpath, be warned."

"Wow, so big T is into me after all, why is that only after I go off with someone else he perks up, typical. Emily, sorry but I don't have the key to free you but I will come and check in later, hang tight, let the boys come up to you, I will send over my rejects." I added as an afterthought.
A mitzvah, I am so kind. Go me. I believe in sharing the rejects, after all one gal's reject is another gal's treasure.

Location:I was delighted to see at the Pex Summer Festival dinosaurs were admitted this year