Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just promise me No Smoking, No Lying , No Cheating, No leering at other girls , No Eating Meat and that includes bat wings ,on our first date, Ok. I have had enough of players and my radar is out. Got it, Sammykins!"

Gosh all these demands already, said Sam. Have you seen True Grit, I love the title. Text me your availability next week or FB me, you can friend me under Sam Skelly.

Wow, these Skellys don't miss a beat. Ah well another adventure for me I guess. One day I must have a night in.

Sam, before I lie down can you give me the latest update on the Skelly Revolution ?

From what I hear all the Arab uprisings, just reading about the Assads in Syria shooting 49 protestors and a few civilians for good measure, have a Skelly leader in the background, stirring everything up. Is this true ? Can you take me to your leader, I know it all started in NY.

Sam, gave one of these knowing Skelly wide mouthed grins.

"Do you promise you will put me in your blog and go on a hot date with me if I tell you? I am fed up trying to find my true love on SkellyDate or Skelly Cupid, or SkellyHarmony or Skelly Fitness for Singles, all I get is duds who talk too much and are too high maintenance and whiny, he implored I suppose in what he thought was a charming fashion.

Well as I am not dating anyone right now and perhaps Sam could lead me to the Leaders Lair,maybe I should go. How bad can it be to go on a date with Sam? He is not broke,has a good job and one day could be a doctor. We could go to a movie where no one would see me. Would he try to feed me bats wings during the movie ? What if he tries to hold my hand? Is he very pushy and grabby? He did say he wants a hot date and that normally implies at least hand holding,thigh stroking and a good night kiss. All these thoughts raced through my brain faster than the speed of light.

"Sam, I am a real live princess no one is higher maintenance than me, but I know what you mean E Dating is a time consuming drag and often full of duds as you say.
Ok I am in, but can you promise to behave?"

"Madame Princessa, you will find we Skellys know how to treat a woman. Fear not, you are in good hands with me, talking of which jump on the table , the doctors clock is ticking."

Dr Dempsey nodded in agreement and asked me to lie down facing him and breathe deeply and relax and let my shoulder drop.

As I lie there I thought what have I let myself in for?

Knowing me I will start a whole new trend and everyone will want to date Skellys now. You watch, I said it first right here in this here blog!

Looking for me? No need to panic, I am right here, smiled Dr Dempsey.

No need to be alarmed, this is Sam Skelly, he is my assistant today and will help hold you down while I twist your back and make it better. With all the cutbacks in the medical world right now we find the Skellys at only $5 per hour make great assistants and we don't need to give them lunch as all they eat is grime, rats legs, sawdust, bats wings, that type of thing that you still can not buy at the local deli, so they bring it in themselves.

Sam is very friendly no need to be afraid.

"Thanks Doc. I wish you would let me keep my lunch in the fridge like everyone else. Still I am enjoying it here. SP, please lie down and take the Prada motorcycle boots off."

Come in, can I help you SP?

OMG, a live Skelly was waiting for me when I went to see my back wizard the wonderful Dr Dempsey over on 12th Street and University.

I knew it, they are infiltrating everywhere across the globe. Eeeekkkkk.....

"Who are you? What did you do with my Doctor? Where is he? After lugging around all the baby designer Kenzo wardrobe across France and London, my back is out. Are you going to manipulate me, your fingers look too steely, bony and hard. Show me my Doctor, you rogue Skelly!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 25, 2011

One of the New British Art pieces on show in the Saatchi Gallery , Kings Road

A giant black wave coming from nowhere. The recent tsunami and 8.9 Richter scale earthquake in Japan has been tragic to behold. The stoicism of the people amongst such devastation is remarkable and my prayers and thoughts go out to that nation. Sometimes art foreshadows life and this piece made obviously before the earthquake was very chilling indeed.

Spring has actually made it to London

Evidenced here by the wild flowers in Hyde Park. Spring means hope and hope for me means love is around the corner. Is this flower a sign?

Thursday, March 03, 2011

One problem with the pink limo

Sadly inside it was empty of hot young lads desperate to ravish the princess, the driver does not count. Well at 4pm what can you expect. At least the Skellys and Ghouls did a no show.

It was all pink and glittery and sparkly inside

Very groovy indeed.

SP, wanna ride babycakes , the pink limo driver was the most action I had seen in weeks.

"Hop in Sunshine, it is nicer inside. It is Skelly free, I checked."

Well, in that case, how can I say no? And if this hot driver was working for the Skellys at least I will be kidnapped in style and all the LLS will be mightily impressed.

"East village, Senior and don't spare the horses. Please put some Beatles on while you are at it."

Minnie should we or should we not go in the pink limo?

What if it is a skelly or ghoul trip to kidnap us? I would not put it past those scoundrels. They stop at nothing for New York domination.

"SP and Aylen, go in the limo, don't be a scaredy cat, great photo opps and you can always pretend it is Your limo, the LLS will love that." Minnie was in favor.

Wow a huge pink limo! I don't remember ordering one but I guess it must be for me after my "Good People", show with Francis McDermaid on Broadway

Gosh, pink limos are way fancier than white ones, who knew.