Thursday, June 14, 2012

I see it now, The Scottish Princess Voodoo Store, my name in lights at last.

I will become famous and live in New Orlins and eat Crawfish Monica for breakfast and dinner every day. Life would be so simple. All the girls who moan about the latest jerk that dumped them could frcome straight to me. We sort them out.

"SP , what about your yoga and karma and being kind sto others,"Aileen was quite concerned at the new punishing me. "Book yourself in for ten double sessions at the Freudian Institute in
the West Village, I think you lost it. Too many crawfish enchiladas have gone to your brain,lass."

"I am on holiday and I just came up with a brilliant new business idea! Leave it out with the morality lecture. Hortense and I are going to rake it in. Come to think of it, you must have some crappy mean exes yourself , think back hard."
Hortense and I had really bonded, as long as she did not ask for my photo!

Come on we have a show to catch . She dragged me out before I had some more brilliant ideas involving voodoo punishments.

Come back any time, smiled the old lady who ran the voodoo shop.

Thanks for the great idea of bring a photo and turn any problem maker into a voodoo doll, business has been slow since Katrina, we need a new marketing angle and I wanted to get into social media. I feel this idea has great potential those dolls look a bit scabby,ratty and impersonal, time to modernize !

On the way home we passed a real voodoo shop in the French Quarter

Spells, potions, dolls of course. I enquired about making a voodoo doll at the desk from pictures of some of my less successful exes. They said nobody had thought of that but if I left the pictures here and $100 per doll, I could come back tomorrow and have some new dolls to play with.

Hhhmmmm , not sure my exes are worth $100 each, that money could be better spent on my hotel bill, which was adding up fast as I like trying all the Creole dishes in room service.

Maybe not, though give me your card in case I get any grief from future exes and I can let potential boyfriends know behave or face voodoo calamities ! That will teach them to split the bill! Ha!

Go easy on the crawfish extravaganza my friend warned. They are not remotely kosher. Your poor dad would faint.

Well you know what they saw, I countered, what you don't know doesn't hurt you. Ha! With that I took another bite of the Crawfish Diana, a Paella dish and gave a large burp. A crawfish leg poking out the corner of my mouth.

"Some vegetarian you turned out to be ," moaned Aileen.

"Ach, leave me alone, I am enjoying myself. Pass me the hot sauce please! Who knew New Orlin's was so fun.

There was so many crawfish delicacies I was ready to try them all

Crawfish Etrouphe, crawfish Monica a creamy pasta dish, crawfish enchilada , crawfish paella .... The list was endless.