Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is what Americans have done to a long respected and jolly good ancient Scottish tradition of peaceful sweet garden gnomes that cheer you up when you see them.

In their maniacal fear of global terrorism they have turned the innocent garden gnome into something that strikes fear and terror into the bravest man's soul, with this enormous menacing Darth Vadar Mr Death excuse for a gnome.

I mean he is standing right in front of the door, how does the family get their grocery shopping in with that big monster standing in the way?

In my day, garden gnomes were adorable cute little darling sculptures, mini jovial Irish santas, the proper correct non threatening size, who sit smiling all day long on spotted toadstools, and are perfectly happy to spend their time patiently fishing with no chance of catching anything except a worm if they are lucky, and you don't hear a peap from them. Setting a good example of how to be happy and enjoy your life. Not these Mr Death monsters.

I just hope all you nut job terrorists out there appreciate the effort peaceful everyday families are going to keep you away from their homes. I mean I have heard of NIMBY but isn't this taking it just a bit far?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a great blog,loved the pictures.I'm glad you liked mine,but I;m still working on them .Thanks,have a good day.