Right in front of me was a hideous picture of a skull with a message emboldened all over it.
That's it, that's my message, but everyone has been telling me that for weeks. I know that already. That sucks. That is almost as much of a cop out as my peace on earth message was at Santacon when I saved the Home Depot Elves from their dreadful job selling Dyson Hoover bags, fortunately for me everyone loved it or seemed to.
Ah well. I guess I had better start over as the Skull suggests. It is spring soon. Everyone finds love in the spring time even me. Valentines Day fast approaches I suppose if I start over right now I may be over the Sandman completely by then. Not I may be, I WILL be, that's better SP. More positive attitude, think The Secret. If you think it you make it. I feel better now. That was a great message from the Skull. Sandman you are officially History. Every reader on this here blog is a witness to that last statement.
Sandman don't even bother trying to find me, as I don't want you any more. Well, maybe a tad still but the feelings are vanishing fast. Aren't they? Course they are, everyone keeps telling me how awful he is and was, even all the Sculptures at the LA art show dished him, I mean what more evidence does a girl need. None. I feel much better now, kind of empty but better, upwards and onwards. NEXT. I am ready to Start Over, to do as the Skull ordained. No time like the present etc etc.
So armed with my message I left the LA art show ready to make a new start. To do what I wasn't sure, probably start with some kind of a new adventure, it is always the way with me it seems. As the rain poured down in sheets over LA I sauntered off with a smile on my face at last.
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