Sunday, September 28, 2008

The giant orb of the sun started heralding the day, glowing a burnishing orange.

I sat on the beach, shivering in my indian wool blanket, trying to remember the sanskrit sunrise invocation prayer we learnt at Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas, which is supposed to open your third eye and strengthen your godly powers. Shuka, Puka, Luka, no that is not it. Darn, should have brought my journal.

Right make something up yourself.

"Oh holy sun of magnificent orange hues, grant me and all beings love, freedom, health and happiness (especially me) and turn everybody vegetarian."

I like that, short, to the point, unselfish and kind and thoughtful, what one would expect from the SP.

Satisfied I turned back to gazing at the sun bursting through the sky and rising in all it's glory, over the shimmery sea.
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