Friday, October 03, 2008

Why squeeze in a sports car for one when you can stand and be free and listen to a playa band strumming away slap bang in the middle of the esplanade.

It is my fifth year and only this year did I finally figure out about the clock map system. "Come and see a great DJ at Soulicious on 7.30 and B," my friends would say and I had no clue at all where they were going. I still find the directions the Scottish way, which is looking for a large landmark preferably a store or asking the best looking person around for directions.

This year I forced myself to look at the free map they give you when you come in and I found out, it is actually pretty easy! I was able to cycle around on my own and have even more adventures.

It is dusk and all of a sudden it is getting chilly. Excuse me while I quickly check out the cool kite flag art installation fluttering over there.
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