Friday, July 31, 2009

Bruiser having late night pasta in the flatiron district

Everyone is sweltering , summer in NY. Bruiser agreed to pose for me in between mouthfulls of tiramisu.

"Hey SP, time you bought the doggy blogs back and stopped lounging on the beach every weekend, " he woofed. " I want to be in a doggy movie and your blog is suppposedly a great first step."

"Bruiser, with that face, you are going places." I told him, " just go easy in the old tiramisu."

"Woof, you should practice what you preach lady. Despite the 8 spoons you ate the whole thing alone, I saw you through the window, no wonder all you wear is baby doll dresses these days!" he guffawed in a gruff hardly endearing bulldoggy way.

I hate it when I am busted by my own loving and loyal subjects especially the four legged ones. "Ok you win, Bruiser, we both over indulged but hey it's summer."
As if that was an excuse but it was all I could come up with on the spot. Bruiser went back to his desert and small talk and I slunk off home hiding my orchiette pasta with roasted cauliflower and breadcrumbs leftover bag, in my Alis lodging conference tote bag.

"Enjoy your leftovers," he woofed as a parting shot." Salad is not so good the next day," and gave me bulldoggy wink.

-- Post From My iPhone

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