Thursday, August 25, 2011

Last week I was biking home from work when I saw this poster on 5th Avenue and 15th Street.

SOS - save our streets oh dear Princess. All is forgiven for being more popular than me.

Yes it was Wills and his bride, thingymig,( how soon we forget across the pond, Katherine I think) or was it HRH and her hubby, the animal disguise was so good, I was struggling to see who it was. Closer look, the kitten's hat was surely more Mumsy's style.

The Royal She who is the only one with higher status than moi, would never let her own LLS know she was asking for help from Little Old Me, but I know her well enough to read a sure sign by now.

They were making their fast getaway in a mini dressed as their pets hoping no one would notice they had no intention whatsoever of staying behind to clear up the mess in Croydon - or any other looting locations.

Naturally they wanted everything sorted out and back to normal by the time they got back from their Vac A as they call it here, so hence I was summoned. Nearly crashed my bike when I saw this.

Look you looters, you are giving the rest of us a bad name. Go home with your new iPads and google Scottish Princess , you will forget your grumbles and have a good laugh instead.
Community Service can be ten hours a day blog reading and helping me turn it into a movie. That should turn you all into law abiding citizens in no time. Disunited Kingdom today -laughing over a plate of steaming hot porridge tomorrow. There that was easy! Enjoy your Vac A , Mumsy, don't hesitate to reach out if there are any other problems back at the ranch.

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