Friday, December 23, 2011

Just sitting near the drummers was an OWS fully fledged family, complete with revolutionary baby avec peace signd

Yes it seems the movement had spread and they were getting them young. The baby looked happy but was not yet spouting any revolutionary gems.

"Did you take her to the Non Violent Communication Empathy Loving Coach, I hear he does half price for the under 5's. I highly recommend him, my dating witty one liners have definitely improved although the coach says my political gems are more like mushy peas and not quite biting enough."

I popped $5 into the baby nappy collection box. How will she go back to the calm of ordinary life once this excitement is all over , sometimes it is not good to expose them to too much too soon.

The parents seemed quite happy and told me not to worry as she was the youngest member the powers that be were cutting her some slack. But they assured me she already had a hectic workshop schedule and had signed up for Marx and Trotsky for Beginners and she was already at the third chapter of Occupy Wall Street for Dummies.

Ah, the future generation are so with it, they don't miss a beat. In my day it was Black Beauty and Enid Blyton, I always wished I was a famous four member. Now the youth have bigger fish to try, fighting the battles for the 99%. My only wish is that she peppers her speeches with a few jokes as the general call and response diatribes out here are very dry and could put one swiftly to sleep.

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