Saturday, June 24, 2006

Here I am running into the sea on my recent May holiday with weemummsy and bigdaddykins at their very comfy wee highland castle in Herzlia Pituach, which is right by the refreshing lovely sparkling clean sea.

It is a perfect shot as one thing you should know about me is I love water - Scotland is surrounded by water you should know. So I love all things associated with water, like gentle water sports such as swimming, dipping in the sea and splasing around AND I love beautiful sunsets, coming from Scotland there are plenty, everywhere all year. Sometimes they can be hard to find though, when it rains especially.

FACT - I am 73% water ( so are you loyal and trusty readers)

A WEE SECRET ABOUT ME - I love bubble baths filled to the brim with exotic rose potions prepared by my trusty and loyal servant, Mr Bamboozle, more of him later.

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