Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Sp raises the vibration of Camp Minewaska through the power of meditation.

These two boys, Jacob and Manuel, may be from the Bronx, they may have previously suffered, they may have have lived in a world where violence and aggression is the normal way of life, they may even have skipped out of school once,who knows twice, but just look at them now - perfect angels in a state of nirvana deep, blissful meditation, frozen in inner contemplation. "Just let go" that is all I said. I am not one to take the sole credit for transforming these two boys from Huffledorf Lower Boys's lives, but you know what they say, the camera never lies. Pope Benedict X has got nothing on me. Instead of doing all this apologizing why does he not simply teach people to meditate instead? I know, I could have saved the poor pope alot of anguish if i had suggested this to him a bit sooner. Sorry pope B, you really need to read this blog more regularly from now on.

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