"Here you go Miss SP, it may look like a jail and a bit sparse but I promise you will be very comfortable here, this structure usually goes for for $5 million dollars but the BHampton S and T Club said they will donate it to you for free! You should grab it before they change their minds."
"But what about my new guest wing, the moat, the sweeping stairs, the dressing rooms and ensuite bidets," I sobbed.
"Look it has sea views, what do you expect for $5 million?" he said not impressed that I was so ungrateful."
"Where's my key? I asked.
"You don't need a key everyone leaves their houses unlocked here, you dope, don't you know that by now?"
So I have a few beach houses now, I shouldn't complain I know. It's just not what I had in mind but it is a start. Now I can really work on enjoying the summer. All you loyal readers, please come and visit, but bring a scarf as it does get a bit drafty at night, as all Scottish castles do!
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