I rushed back to the office after my own power yoga class at Equinox, probably the same one and I saw to my horror , two very miserable identical twin dogs chained outside with no water and on one very tight lead. Both dogs were looking hungrily up and down the street at all the passers by. Goodness, couldn't the owner provide at least a leash each for these two animals or a wter bowl, talk about cost cutting.
"Hey you two, Wee Santa Mutt up the road has free treats I saw him just minutes ago. Tell your owner to take you to see him for a yummy healthy snack."
"Wouuurrrfffff. Fat chance, SP, our owner can not afford a dog walker any more and she chains us up all day on this pole in the freezing cold on 5th Avenue and 24th Street, outside her office, relying on office worker passer bys to give us food. What did we get today, Brownie? An old shoelace and a half eaten Subway cheese baguette thing to share. It was horrid with all those pickles and whatever crap they put in it but we ate it anyway as we were starving. Brownie over there ate most of it too as he is the oldest and says it is his perogative to eat first. Have you got anything for us?. We daren't complain in case we meet the same fate as Maxie, Sob. I loved that old dog, may he rest in peace whereever he is."
I had just come from the gym but I found a cough pastille in my gym bag, I gave it to Blackie as he was the thinnest. Jeez Louise, what are things coming to?
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