Sunday, October 25, 2009

Merry Chreestmas Princess, let's party

Don't ask me how but a totally confused wee alien thingmy was sitting in the disco tent, all ready to party. Whoever sent him down to earth should be shot.

First it is not even Halloween yet let alone Christmas, he is one holiday early. Everyone knows you don't wear a Santa hat before Halloween, it is simply not done.
Two- what is with the mardi gras beads. Lame costume. Duh! You would never get into a Kostume Kult party with a half assed costume like that. The alien research team should have been a bit more savvy. I mean that is just mean and not doing your homework, basic stuff, even aliens should know.

However, he was a real alien and even though he was on the wee bit picante side, being an alien did make him cool so I snogged him. Well by that stage all the others had either gone to sleep or were snogging other ladies so my options were running low.
His breathe was a bit putrid, to be expected, green smoke came out his mouth when he kissed too but his fluffy Santa hat did grow on me and it kept me warm so I considered all in all it was a good night at least I got some action.
The fact that he was an alien however definately made him " GU." Geographically unsuitable - so therefore I knew it was unlikely he would be my Halloween date or my date for the office holiday party ( yet another office party I have to brave alone although I have till December to find a date so why loose hope in October?) still a smooch is a smooch midget alien or not.

-- Posted from my iPhone

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