Saturday, December 12, 2009

Strolling away I noticed in a gallery window in Chelsea, Robotwoman Roberta, she flagged me down.

"SP, were you just talking to my ex, Roger, over at DVF, how is he doing, I had to dump him, I couldn't stand that wandering eye of his. I thought I saw you talking to him just there."

"Roberta, you had better rescue him, he is a prisoner to a DVF superwindowmodel tyrant, she is beating the hell out of him as we speak. Can't you do something, I feel kind of bad about it, I started it."

"SP, don't you worry about him, he deserves all he gets, this wandering eye thing has become intolerable to us all and you should join our ranks. I am proud of Madame DVF, she did us all a favor with Roger, although I hear his training is challenging, but hey you have to start somewhere.

I am very fit I work out every day stretching my muscles and oiling my springs, I am looking for a new Roboman myself , no aliens, no skellys, just a hot Roboman who can keep me company and oil my springs when the gallery closes. Do you have anyone for me?"

"Did you try Spacebook, I hear all your lot are on it now, why don't you search through Roger's friends and see who you get? Spacesnoop, you could call it, that's what we do."

"Excellent idea, I am on it, I just hope I don't end up with some wimpy softie sleazeball loser like Roger, thank god he is out my life for good."
She flipper open her helmet and reached for her iPhone which was in a very snazzy metalic glittering case, I was rather envious of and started tapping furiously.
"Roberta, where did you get the snazzy case?" I asked her.

"The gallery gave it to me, I will try and get you one but you will probably need to be an exhibit like me first."

I looked at her body, she was missing an arm, a hand and both her legs below her knees. Eehhhh, maybe not. My case will do.

"Roberta, don't worry about the iphone case, it is so cool and special and unique like you, you should be the only one who has it. If I was you I would show it in your profile pic, help you meet a new Roboman."

She liked that idea and started posing with the case in her metal glove.

I scarpered before the gallery owner nabbed me. That Robofreak cripple look was not for me.

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