Sunday, May 09, 2010

I looked up and all over the top of the buildings were his buddies watching he did not go playing hookey with me at Peter Gabriel.

There was lots of frozen men looking down at me from the rooftops of the buildings around the park.

I shouted up at one of them, " Mr Gormley Artman Clone, welcome to NY from the UK. What do you think of the new lib dem guy Nick Klegg, is it, I hear he is the next Obama. I hear he was great on the tv debate you guys had and made the other candidates look very stiff, probably something you can relate to, being a statue and all. Two questions, if you are so good at Mountain Pose are you guys vegetarian statues, as I am finding more and more men who live on a diet of chicken and salad and it is a real turn off.

Secondly when you come down from the roofs of the Madison Square garden office buildings, do you fancy coming to a Jivamukti yoga class and you could show off your mountain pose to some hot yoga chicks like me?"

But no answer was the loud reply. These art men either were very rude or had been told to ignore all advances from forward New York woman like myself and stand still and aloof in their mountain pose, another frozen Buckinghan Palace type non communicator.

Resigned, I trundled off to the concert with an old boyfriend who had called out the blue as he was in town. Enough time wasted on these frozen guys I need a nice friendly chap who answers questions, even if he is not quite as mysterious or cool.

-- Posted from my iPhone

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