Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hey SP, what you going as for Halloween this year? My favorite costume of yours was Space Princess a few year ago, called out a couple of ghouls from the Halloween store on 12th Street and Broadway

Do you like our costumes, I am a stripy Ghouly prisoner with Elton John glasses and a fez for added dazzle.

SP, what about me? I am an offseason Evil Easter Chicken with a baby chiclet in my pouch, which will poison you with it's evil eye? How do you like it?

Original and fetching, lads. You made it to the SP blog so you made the cut.

As you all know Halloween is Skelly season for the blog and all ghouls and Skellys worldwide read the blog each year hoping to star in it. So nice one, your friends will be seething with jealousy, guaranteed.

SP I have been sent to warn you the Reptile Aliens are looking for you this weekend

Stay home with a book. Be smart. I would. Listen to your angel.

The angel at the shelter island nature reserve seemed dead set upon staying in.

But my costume, Wheylan made it especially and Britelite , I need to meet new Trick or Treaters, I can't. Sorry angel I am taking my chances and going out.

I warned you she said, with a tear in her stone eye. We don't want to loose you, a lot is at stake, including world peace and global vegetarianism.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rudolph, enough with the foodscraps story. One more Monty Python "Wafer Mint" and you my dear will explode. You need to go on a diet and don't even think of scaring me when I am on the N Train coming from the latest broadway show.

Why did you summon the SP?

"Missy, you in trouble. You know it, I know it. Some mean folks are watching you, they got your number, baby. I came to warn you as we in the underground Rat community love your blog and we read it every day with our porridge and raisins, just as you ordered in your first very blog, that all your LLS are to eat porridge every morning in order to maintain daily good health and happiness.

SP, Halloween is a week away. Make yourself scarce, take my advice." He hissed, his giant red eyes glowed with concern and foreboding and his whiskers were bristling.

Oh cripes, who are the mean folks who have got my number? Is it the Reptilians Aliens who control the human race and all extra terrestrial life and feed on the spirits of dead people when they die ?

All my Hamptons friends keep talking about them. Maybe they will kidnap me on Halloween?

Oh, gosh I had better be very vigilant from today through All Souls Eve, ain't no evil reptiles going to steal me away, the Christmas sales are almost upon us.

Rudolph, I am late for work, can you make this snappy, I smiled at him sweetly so no passerbys could see some sinister interchange was about to take place.

Ladies and Gentleman, behold Rudolph the Radiant Rat. He may look scary but he is a sweet kid once you get to know him.

He just asked me to send you folks a message - he said please keep throwing the food scraps away in the trains as he and all his buddies are all getting very well fed and growing nice, big and strong from the ever increasing garbage left on the ground. He used to be a teeny weeny rat and look at him now!

So Keep New York Filthy is his slogan.

"That's right Missy Princess, all those scraps are gladly received and every day I thank my lucky stars I grew up in the Big Apple and not some clean city like Toronto or Singapore, where my brother rats are starving and ill nourished. Amen."

I was walking back to work after a lunchtime which included a five minute peek into Intermix, designer over priced goods only, when I saw a gigantic Plastic Rat in the middle of 17th Street off 7th Avenue

My very first thought was " Darn it, this is a very obvious sign, I got ratted on re my non purchase of the Porridge Chair after I skipped out the gallery despite clearly asking them to put a red sticker on the aforesaid chair."

Now that the summer is over I was hoping the gallery owners would be on to other projects and not still hightailing me.

The giant Rat Rudolph hissed me over.

"SP, SP, cime 'ere. I got news for you Sweetie. You gotta listen up." He snarled in a less than inviting tone.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Dinosaur Shuffle will get us through

Our economic blues.

Broke is the new black

But who cares about that

Now horns are the thing

If you are looking for bling.

Life is no bore

If you give a giant roar

You gave us the Shuffle

Without any kerfuffle

The song goes something like this

"Oh Pinky Paws,
Be careful with those claws
Miss Emily you did claim
Her other suitors were too tame."

Meanwhile at the back of the Disorient party tent two world famous musicians were composing a ditty in honor of Emily and Pinky Paws

Not only that but the tent itself had mysteriously grown some orange dinosaur horns of it's own. The whole dinosaur thing was fast getting out of control.

The Dinosaur Shuffle within 5 minutes was spreading through the whole camp

The bit everyone seemed to really go for was roaring at your partner.
The roars got louder and louder and more and more frenzied and animalistic. I was getting worried the whole lot of us would be thrown off the camp but when the camp wardens came they got into it too.

Emily was loving all the attention and shaking her booty up a storm to PP's delight. Her sparkly scarf was catching the light and her horn rings were glowing.

The dancing got hot and heavy as dancing normally does

PP and Emily were easily the best dancers of the day and soon had everyone dancing The Dinosaur Shuffle.

Two steps to the left
Two steps to the right
Turn to your partner
Breathe some fire into the Sky( oops that is the Dragon Shuffle)

All I needed was a hot dancing partner but as usual all Emily's hot reject prospects had disappeared for fear of being swallowed up by PP, who really is a very sweet kid once you get to know him.

The Disorient team set up their dancing tent

And all the preparations were done to prepare for the Pex new It Couple, Pinky Paws and Emily.

None of us knew what kind of dancers dinosaurs are but if they were game so were we.