Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Self Portrait with crazy eyes, Ghoul."

It seems like the Ghouls wanted in on the art scene too. This mixed medium piece was quite good, the ghoul had probably created a decent likeness, but would you pay money for this piece and have it on your fireplace? There was no red stickers I noted.

"Hey, Ghoulie, did you brush your teeth this morning? Looks like you had one too many last night, judging from that bleary red eye, blue thing you got going on, or maybe this how Ghouls do colored contact lenses, a big craze here 20 years ago , I know you Ghouls take some time catching up on our Human Fashion Fads. You look like my ex boyfriend,on a good day. Anyone try to buy you yet!! Har, Har!"

( I did the Skelly laugh to indicate I know their language.)

He stared back at me blankly.

"Nufink wrong wiv me teeth. I floss every night. Who you looking at anyway Preencess? Leave it out. I like being an art piece,at least someone might notice me now and want to make a movie of me. Night of the living dead art piece, it might be called. Grrr, go away leave us alone. I was napping, wasn't I?"

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