Saturday, April 23, 2011

Exhausted after a fruitless day of Skelly Hunting

I went to visit my best friend Desiree in her Maida Vale residence , and if there wasn't a pair of miniature Skelly socks and wee Raphael boy undies hanging to dry over the radiator. I was stunned.

The Skellys are smart going for the young 'uns. What no one realizes is if you wear their logo that is the secret signal that you are on their side. Don't think joining them will protect you, it just identifies you as a first easy, slave target. Soon they will have you pouring their tea, or should I say hot grime slush as that is what they drink, frying their bats wings, giving their bones a seaweed salt scrub, taking their photos, who knows what other slimy menial tasks are in store. None of them fun, that I know.

I have to warn Desiree immediately , her darling son is in great danger wearing these undergarments.

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