Saturday, April 23, 2011

SP, what is the commotion about, you will wake Raphy, please quieten down

"You have been in the loo for ages , are you ok?

Why are you staring at my son's Y Fronts? Have you picked up some wierdo perverted fetish for young lads undies in NY, honestly SP what next with you, this is very sad really. "
She was non too pleased.

I can explain, it is the Skelly logo that upsets me, They will seize him. Raphy must burn these undies right away and I hope no one knows he has them. He is in very grave danger , I repeat, very grave danger.

"Never have I heard such nonsense in my life. These are my son's favorite undies and we are not burning them nor throwing them away. Now we can talk about something else, please, all this Skelly claptrap is boring and tiresome. Surely you must have some news, you must have had one or two good dates, is there still no one?"

I think I prefer to talk about Skellys than dates, more exciting by far.

"Well, there is this one guy but it all went horribly wrong within 5 minutes because he didn't like the SP sense of humor," blah, blah, I droned on and on and she nodded sympathetically as friends do, but on the way out I pocketed the offending undies and socks and shoved them in an outdoor bin with a lid. I can't take any chances especially with Wee Raphy, he doesn't want a future of ironing Skelly shirts, well they don't wear shirts, make that ironing grimy blankets with Batwing droppings.

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