Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Please don't touch the exhibits that piece is very delicate. The gallery owner walked over to me, the scarf forgotten.

As I was leaving the gallery the Skelly winked at me.

"How was your date with Sam Skelly? Did he feed you bats wings at the movie? He posted on FB he is dating you now. All of us think it hysterical that while you say you hate us and want to fight us , you are dating one of us! Hardey Har!

Fancy a date with me when the gallery closes, I won't tell Sam. Let's keep it between us. I see your boyfriend bought the Skelly purple scarf, hottest fashion item in London. He is one of us, most folks are and if they aren't they soon will be, my lass.

Now how about that drink at Mortons? I have a tab there and my own table."

"Never" I said. "I will never be unfaithful to Sam. Our private life should not be sprawled over international Facebook posts. Go back to lounging on your chair, Skellywag. ( my names for naughty Skellys). Your days are numbered."

"Really,I wouldn't be too sure about that. The Revolution builds momentum every day, is that right, Ernie?"

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