Thursday, June 09, 2011

Lunch is postponed, SP, Granny has decided to take matters into her own hands , I am going Skelly Hunting and don't try and stop me.

Out my way,lass. I can't have my great grand children, Hal and Ida, turned into slaves, forced to eat fried snail legs,
( you mean bat wings, granny)
I mean to give the Skellys a good talking to and send them back where they belong- underground.
Now where did you say the Skelly's Leaders lair is again, show me their hideout. I will soon thrash them with my walking stick.

She sped off towards Busby roundabout .

Granny wait, it is dangerous, what about your bridge partner, you can't let her down. I don't know where the liar is , no one does. Come back please!

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