Thursday, June 14, 2012

On the way home we passed a real voodoo shop in the French Quarter

Spells, potions, dolls of course. I enquired about making a voodoo doll at the desk from pictures of some of my less successful exes. They said nobody had thought of that but if I left the pictures here and $100 per doll, I could come back tomorrow and have some new dolls to play with.

Hhhmmmm , not sure my exes are worth $100 each, that money could be better spent on my hotel bill, which was adding up fast as I like trying all the Creole dishes in room service.

Maybe not, though give me your card in case I get any grief from future exes and I can let potential boyfriends know behave or face voodoo calamities ! That will teach them to split the bill! Ha!

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