Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Skelly Mug , leering away at me right there on the dance altar, surrounded by keys and sunflowers!

Had they taken over Tammy and turned her into a batwing frying, grimy blanket washing slave, poor thing, the first one to be felled.

You Skelly Rogue. What have you done to My dance teacher and what are all those keys for?
Ps. I am not fooled by the sunflower stint on the altar, we all know you are a total evil Skellywag.

Ah, do you like my sunflower chapeau Madame Princessa? Tammy picked it for me. We both thought it was rather alluring and yes she makes a damn fine batwing souffle if you must know. Har! Har! Har!

The Skelly knew he had me cornered by infiltrating my Sacred Space and was totally smug about his victory.

I will be telling Tammy the dance floor is to be Skelly Free , go back to your lair. Where is it by the way, I can escort you there myself in case you get lost. New York can be a scary place late night even for a Skelly. Are all these your front door keys you must have a big place or you are security phobic.

The Skelly was no dope,"Don't think you can trick me that easy to taking you to our secret hideaway. Nice try,next time be more creative than flat asking for it. These keys , my sweet Scottish Angel are the keys to all those who have surrendered their homes and joined our Skelly Revolution Movement. About 30 of the dancers in this room are already mine! Har, de har! Little do they know they will soon be my slaves and where I come from the only dancing allowed is to the kitchen where they can dance whilst concocting gourmet batwing dishes. Tammy is trying hard and her souffle was pretty good. Tonight she is preparing Batwing Gazpacho to cool me down after the class, so thoughtful!

He went back to looking at the dancers , he looked like a dish himself with his sunflower hat decoration. Did Tammy know the grave danger she was in. Oh Woe is me!

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