Sunday, March 25, 2012

Here I am smiling at my new Self , Political Blogger Extraordinaire

We can do an Occupy Mary Boone Gallery Chelsea Sit in. We will not budge at 6pm when the gallery is supposed to shut, all the global news will be about us and Ai Wei Wei will thank us for making his art piece even more famous. Together we will put our tongue out at the Chinese government.
Gosh, I hope they don't put me in a Chinese prison, I hear they have no wifi, the curtains don't match and the menu is unsuitable for vegetarians.

"Cup of tea," said Aileen.
"I thought you'd never ask." I replied. So out we trooped at 5.35pm , a good half hour before closing time.
Ah well so I won't be making the news with my gallery sit in. Good to know my limitations. I will just have to leave the hard core radical stuff to the experts.

I hope Ai Wei Wei is not too disappointed. Damien Hirst is probably relieved , he would have wanted the sit in at the Gagosian no doubt. Except the Dots are not meant to suggest oppressed people so that would not have worked.

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