Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Ahh our dinner is here at last. We scoffed up Olde Mother Hubbard, she only gave us 8 servings and now the Houslings want more! Yes! We have our eye on a tastier more curvy younger dish! Har ! Har! Hairy, she is in here all ready at the table. Princess this is a good cause, you will feed many deserving ghouls and Walking Dead Wannabes.

Think of it as a beautiful sacrifice! You had never any luck with the laddies anyway so why go on. Shall we call it a wrap !! 

Hairy in here with the cleaver now before she hoofs it. I am starved and Hubbard was bony and chewy , hardly gourmet fare for a festive holiday , the Princess looks much tastier. 

Don't struggle,it will all be over in a second. 

Gosh, what will become of me and my blog faithfully written for many years for all my loving and loyal subjects. My life flashed before me, it was one failed romance after the next. I can't go yet with no decent happy scenes to send me off to The Promise Land. I looked for an escape route or a Knight to rescue me. Fairy Godmother, anything would do. I knew I had a bad feeling about this place and I was right about that ghastly witch all along. Darn it, one day I will follow my gut instinct but oh no being a Scot I could not leave without my $20 value for my scare. That will learn me, it is all too late now! 

Help! Anyone! Cuddles from PEX ! 

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